Jobs to Move America
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Join Jobs to Move America from October 7-10th for a transformative trip through Alabama, the center of the civil rights movement and the growing Black-led worker justice movement. This is an opportunity to significantly contribute to the worker organizing and corporate accountability fight in the Deep South, and take a deeper dive into the history, culture and community building of the Southern labor movement.

Alabama has a rich and complex civil rights and labor history. It’s important to see it and learn in person in order to truly understand the significance of organizing in the South, and the promise of what is possible when we all join the movement.

This year we’ll be diving into:

  • Birmingham, JMA’s Southern base, is steeped in civil rights and worker organizing history. See the vision for a worker organizing center and meet coalition and community partners who are leading the new Southern worker movement from within.
  • Montgomery, where we’ll be visiting the Civil Rights Memorial Center, and talking about our CBA with New Flyer, as well as discussing our new Hyundai CBA campaign points.  Meet with workers from Hyundai, as well as our coalition members and UAW organizers.
  • Red Mountain Park, where we’ll walk through and learn about Birmingham’s mining and labor history.
  • Along the way, learn the history of Black worker organizing that has led to the movement of today, spoken through community, civil rights and labor leaders on the ground fighting for a better Alabama.

View the participant agreement form here.

For questions, email Kris White at

Alabama Learning Trip Interest Form


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