Jobs to Move America
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Delegation of 15 Illinois community, faith, labor leaders visits Nippon Sharyo railcar factory to express severe concerns over workplace hazards

On Monday, March 9, a delegation representing eight Chicago-area community, faith and labor organizations traveled to the Nippon Sharyo rail car factory in Rochelle, Illinois, to express in-person their grave concerns over alleged unhealthy and dangerous working conditions inside the

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OSHA complaints reveal dangerous, unhealthy working conditions at Nippon Sharyo railcar factory in Illinois

On Monday, November 10, members of the Illinois Jobs to Move America coalition spoke out against dangerous and unhealthy working conditions at a passenger train (railcar) factory in Rochelle, Illinois owned by Nippon Sharyo.  The coalition held a press conference

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Chicago Transit Authority restarts $2 billion railcar procurement with strong manufacturing job-creating approach

CHICAGO, IL – On July 24, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) will restart its procurement of up to 846 railcars worth up to $2 billion with a new approach that can create thousands of

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Next City, April 9, 2014
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Where to turn if you want American-made Amtrak trains

To help manufacturers along in the process, the Los Angeles-based Jobs to Move America coalition launched a new website on Monday, touting a workforce redevelopment resource bank to assist companies in making sure their bids create jobs for Americans.

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Mass Transit, April 8, 2014
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Coalition hosts webinar and launches website to provide resources for manufacturers, rail experts, and advocates

On April 7, representatives of the world’s largest railcar manufacturing companies learned about best-practices in American workforce development, diversity, and outreach to disadvantaged workers via an informational webinar hosted by the Jobs to Move America coalition.

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Capital & Main, March 3, 2014
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A manufacturing pulse beat in the heartland

Witnessing the demolition of the huge St. Paul Ford plant and learning about Minnesota’s dire racial inequalities — Minnesotans of color suffer almost triple the rates of unemployment and poverty as white Minnesotans — underscored the desperate need for the Metropolitan Council to act to revitalize the local manufacturing industry, create good jobs and make them available to disadvantaged people.

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Mass Transit, February 3, 2014
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Amtrak encourages American job creation with high-speed rail car manufacturers

The Jobs to Move America coalition on Feb. 3 congratulated Amtrak for its recent Request for Proposals (RFP) for the purchase of 28 high-speed train sets including an unprecedented requirement for bidders to detail their plans to employ American workers.

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Program Area:

Creating U.S. Manufacturing Jobs: How “Buying American” Can Raise the Job-Creation Potential of Public Transit Investments

This research brief finds that when manufacturers raise the domestic content of their products, they create at least 26% more jobs than manufacturers that only meet the 60 percent Buy America requirement.

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Next City, November 1, 2013
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Which transit agencies have endeavored to buy local this year?

Hardcore capitalists will argue that transportation authorities should worry about their bottom dollar, especially when it comes to taxpayer money. But hiring and buying local is a sound way to create jobs and leverage public dollars for the best use.