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For the past four years on February 4, a network of transit rider unions, community organizations, environmental groups, and labor unions have organized Transit Equity Day — a national day of action to commemorate the birthday of Rosa Parks by declaring that public transit is a civil right. Rosa is an iconic figure of the civil rights era who chose the tactic of refusing to give up her seat on the bus to demand an end to segregation in the Montgomery, Alabama, transit system. We make the connection to this act of resistance to highlight the rights of all people to high-quality public transportation run on clean, renewable energy.

Our team in New Jersey will honor Transit Equity Day by participating in a digital Community Transit Justice Town Hall. Public transit can’t wait — especially in the midst of a public health and deepening economic injustice. Jay Mehta, our New Jersey researcher, will join elected officials, labor and community leaders, and transit riders to discuss our collective vision for a transit system that creates good jobs and clean air for every community in New Jersey.

Will you join us at 12 p.m. noon on Thursday, February 4? You can register here:

The town hall will also include a space for participants to share their own public transit experiences and needs. To submit your transit story, email Kevin Garcia at

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