The Ready for 100 Resolution, passed unanimously by the Chicago City Council in April 2019, requires the city to transition to 100 percent clean, renewable energy by 2030. The resolution also requires the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) to fully transition to an all-electric bus fleet by 2040.
This critical climate justice policy for Chicago was written by a collective of environmental justice, faith, student, and labor groups to push the city to the lead on fighting climate change while creating good jobs for people who need them most. As part of the collective, Jobs to Move America ensured that the resolution included our signature good jobs policy, the U.S. Employment Plan, which will ensure that every public dollar spent on this transition prioritizes equity and good jobs.
Chicago has committed to adopting a transition plan by the end of 2020. The collective is working to frame this transition plan and is currently organizing community listening sessions to make sure all policy recommendations are rooted in the voices, perspectives, and needs of city residents.