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Joe DiMichele

Board Member, Director, Professional and Industrial, IBEW Membership Development

Joe DiMichele was organized into LU 364, Rockford, Illinois. In 2014, Joe worked at Nippon Sharyo and contacted the IBEW looking for representation and became the Lead Voluntary Organizer.

Joe was appointed as a Field Organizer to assist with the Nippon Sharyo campaign in August 2014.

Joe assisted with multiple campaigns across various districts, including the Electrolux, DirecTV and BGE organizing drives. In 2016 Joe was appointed as ILO, assigned to Illinois for the 6th District. In August 2022 Joe was appointed by International President Lonnie Stephenson to Membership Development Department for Professional and Industrial Organizing as International Representative.

In November 2023, Joe was appointed by International President Kenneth Cooper to Membership Development Department for Professional and Industrial Organizing as Director.