Jobs to Move America
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Posted in :
Balitmore Sun, September 18, 2013
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Maryland must make sure transit investments create jobs here

With unemployment rates at 7 percent statewide and much higher in Baltimore, it's clear we need to be innovative and think about how we can grow the manufacturing industry by creating jobs across all communities, particularly those that are low-income.

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HuffPost, September 6, 2013

LA bus buy creates new US jobs. Let’s make sure other cities follow suit.

Turning federally funded transit projects into a vehicle for job creation that also boosts America’s manufacturing sector is an overdue step.

Posted in :
The American Prospect, August 9, 2013

The Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy: A new model for American liberalism?

No matter the intended beneficiary, LAANE has prevailed with the same underlying argument: that the investment of public funds should yield public benefits.

Posted in :
Next City, June 19, 2013
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Go local, labor groups tell Chicago Transit Authority

Chicago labor groups are pissed. And they have a right to be. The Montreal-based company Bombardier Transportation was awarded a $1.14 billion contract to build more than 700 train cars for the Chicago Transit Authority, and the local workforce has been left out.

Posted in :
Progress Illinois, June 18, 2013
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Labor groups: Future CTA rail car makers must disclose local job details

The Chicago Federation of Labor and Chicago Jobs with Justice, among seven other groups, want new manufacturers of Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) rail cars to lay out specific details about how many local jobs will be created before any contract is awarded.

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Chicago Tribune, June 17, 2013
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Groups call on CTA to require new rail car makers to detail future local jobs

Chicago labor and community groups on Monday called on the Chicago Transit Authority to require bidders on future rail car manufacturing contracts to submit detailed plans for creating local jobs.

Posted in :
Next City, February 21, 2013

In bid for new buses, LA demands American-made

This strategy for directly linking job creation to transportation procurement comes at an opportune time given all the recent attention on infrastructure investment and bringing manufacturing jobs to U.S. soil after decades of outsourcing.

Posted in :
LA Times, May 29, 2012
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LA’s lost opportunity for job creation

Public officials charged with expending precious tax dollars on equipment need to select companies that manufacture their products in the United States.